Sunday, October 10, 2004

What's Kerry got against Allawi, anyway?

Apparently, the answer to the above question is that the interim Iraqi Prime Minister is actually committed to making democracy work in Iraq - and thereby vindicate President Bush's Iraq policy.

Here is a portion of the appalling letter that Kerry Clintonoid Mike McCurry sent to the Weekly Standard (as reported by the KerrySpot):

"William Kristol’s editorial, “Disgraceful” (Oct. 4), lives up to its name by failing to note that Prime Minister Allawi’s 'impressive speech' to Congress was likely drafted by political operatives for President Bush’s reelection campaign.

"Can we count on this prime minister to honor the election results here in America if Senator Kerry wins?"

What a bastard McCurry is. What a bastard John Kerry is for "approving this message." Not only is this, as Jim Geraghty puts it, "a big middle finger to the Prime Minister of Iraq," but it also flips the bird to every member of the Coalition of the Willing, our own troops who, after all, liberated Iraq, the now-free Iraqi people themselves (Could this not make McCurry's slur racist as well?), and last but certainly not least, President Bush.

I think McCurry's parting shot needs to be turned around: If Senator Kerry wins, can he be trusted to honor the election results in Iraq? Or will he and the Coalition of the Bribed pull the plug on Allawi, allow Iraqi democracy to be destroyed, and Saddam Hussein and the Ba'athists restored to power?

What's your answer, Senator Kerry?

And it had better be preceded by an engraved apology.