Friday, February 11, 2005

Has Eason Jordan Resigned?

Thirty minutes ago, Ramesh Ponnuru posted over at NRO's the Corner that "he's hearing" that Eason Jordan has resigned from CNN. Within two minutes, Paul Meringoff picked it up over at Powerline. And now li'l old me is relaying it here.

Boy, if this isn't an example of the warp-speed information transmission of the blogosphere, I don't know what is.

Of course, it's not confirmed at this point, but if Jordan has called it quits, it could well be that the World Economic Forum is about to reverse itself on releasing the video of his slander of the U.S. military as being torturers and assassins of Big Media reporters.

On the other hand, it could just be another mirage.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: It's official.

Also astounding. Looks like I can't say "I told you so" after all.

Not that I'm complaining, you understand....