Friday, February 11, 2005


As the rotting and decay and descent into utter puerility of junior high school proportions of the Democrat Party continues, the frequency of "You have to see it to believe it" moments is steadily rising.

The latest example is the press conference that Senate Donks held yesterday, the purpose of which was to demand that President Bush order the RNC to stop "picking on" Senate Minority Leader "Dirty Harry" Reid.

Senate Democrats demanded Thursday that President Bush order a halt to personal attacks on the party's leader, Senator Harry Reid, and expressed regret that they had failed to mount a stronger defense for his defeated predecessor.

Is that not a spit-take graf all by itself? Senate Democrats - many of whom have launched some of the vilest, most slanderous personal attacks in the history of American politics against George W. Bush over the past few years, calling him an idiot, a warmonger, and especially a liar, and even accusing him of "knowing 9/11 was coming and doing nothing to stop it" - demand that Bush order a halt to "personal attacks" against their "leader"?

Words fail me.

"This is a new Democratic Party," Senator Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said at a news conference called to release a letter telling Bush to muzzle his "political operatives." "It says to the President, `You will not intimidate us'," said Schumer, who likened the attacks on Reid to political knee-cappings.

Yeah, a "new Democratic Party" in the sense that a corpse is a "new body." Apparently their featly to the First Amendment is pushing up daisies as well.

You might be wondering to what "personal attacks" Chuckie and friends were referring. The answer is a thirteen-page brief, put out by the RNC and pulled entirely from Reid's Senate voting record and public statements, showing him to be an utter, complete, across-the-board hypocrite in his "Daschleization" since he ascended to his leadership post. The only words in this document that aren't Reid's own are in the one-sentence statement at the top from RNC Communications Director Brian Jones:

"While President Bush and Republicans in Congress are working to win the War on Terror, preserve Social Security and lower healthcare costs, Harry Reid and his taxpayer-funded war room are focused on obstruction."

I've been a message board sysop for five and a half years, policing message threads for personal attacks (our definition of which is quite broad), until recently, on a daily basis. And, if you'll pardon my grammar here, ain't nothing in that sentence that remotely resembles a "personal attack." Nor is there a word of that sentence that isn't 100% accurate.

And that, of course, is what has Senate Dems so agitated. The RNC had the unmitigated temerity Harry Reid out for what he is. On a single occasion. Using nothing but his own record.

Why, that's not fair, doncha know? Political combat isn't supposed to be a two-way street. Democrats are solely entitled to lie and slander and libel and eviscerate and defame their opponents, and their opponents are supposed to dociley and cheerfully take it and limit their comments to, "Thank you, sirs, may we have another?"

If that sounds like a sardonic, sarcastic caricature, guess what? I didn't create it, nor did anybody else in the blogosphere or at the RNC or White House - people like Chuckie Schumer own that copyright, in much the same way that they're mistaking blowing their own political feet off with whinefests like this one for "political kneecappings."

Even the letter Senate Asses are sending to Bush, while milder in tone, is still astoundingly brazen:

We urge you to keep your word about being a uniter and publicly halt these counterproductive attacks so that we are able to work together in a bipartisan manner and debate issues on the merits."

Translation: sit down, shut up, and give in. To which the proper response is, "You first." And, of course, "Reid all about it: Who is Harry Reid?"

As if on cue, now-outgoing Minnesota Dem Senator Mark "RETREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dayton gave an interview to the ASSociated Press that sounded the same tone of wimpy petulance:

Senator Mark Dayton said Friday his low poll numbers and an expectation of vicious political attacks were factors in his decision not to seek re-election next year.

"I certainly was not looking forward to the likelihood that on November 7, 2006, 99% of the people of Minnesota would think less well of me than they do now," Dayton said in an interview with The Associated Press. "There's no question the Republican strategy is to destroy you personally in order to defeat you politically." ...

This from the same man who, among other things, directly and verbatim called Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a liar just a few weeks ago.

At the risk of lapsing into psychoanalysis, I think part of this is solipsistic projection - the assumption that everybody else thinks the way you do, so if you and your party are a pack of lying, cheating character assassins, then your opponents must practice the same tactics. And if you're losing, it must be because they're better at those tactics than you are, so you must redouble your efforts along the same lines.

Indeed, that is a rationalization, justification, and ready-made strawman excuse all in one. And the insane beauty of it is that it makes it all the GOP's fault. The "GOP hate & smear machine" (copyright Jon Fredersen) "forces" Democrats to "respond in kind," which is morally permissible and even virtuous since they're little slices of divinity battling the Republican forces of evil, and when the Pachyderms still somehow manage to thrash them in one election after another, it's because the "GOP hate & smear machine" is just too good.

No mention or acknowledgement that maybe, just maybe, Republicans field better candidates, run better campaigns, and have {GASP!} better ideas that are more in step with the American mainstream.

Oh, I guess that was another "personal attack" against the Democrats, wasn't it?

Well, cry me a river, and use it to float Marvelous Mark's lilly-livered ass back to Minnesota.

And plan on "Dirty Harry" being "next."