Thursday, April 21, 2005

Another Shot Across the GOP Bow

I'm already feeling repetitive in my bitching about the GOP's bumbling chickenheartedness. So, for variety of a sort, take a gander at this warning from Mr. Atos:

[I]t's one thing to note, as many have, the bankruptcy and profound malevolence that has overcome the Democrat Party. Its quite another to come to terms with Republican legislators who have gained power under false pretense of solidarity, yet who lend consistent allegiance to conflicting agendas. Is it any wonder that Frist's control has been handicapped. The tendons are being severed from within between muscle and bone.

The Republican base is being deliberately pitted now against the political leadership, and the effect is certain. While billionaire marxists funnel untold millions into campaign caches, the citizen supporters of the red county majority are being poisoned with apathy and despondency. Their sysiphian efforts which held firm against the 2004 onslaught of media and special interest legions, have yielded a shallow victory in the form of an epic Executive yet with an impotent Congress, and a forlorn Judiciary. The prize for the sacrifice of fortune and effort has been revealed as a withdrawal of leadership, and a compromised trophy of majority victory.

Watch for a mass defection. [my emphases]

Ouch. Has Dr. Frist been taken to the emergency room?

But Mr. Atos wasn't finished:

[A]las the Republicans look like the Trojans. After winning a tremendous victory against the onslaught of an offensive force, they’re done in by poor leadership and an empty trophy full of insurgent RINO’s who, for all intents and purposes, have snuck out in the dead of night and opened the gates to the vitriolic hordes of a berzerk extremist ideological minority.

Delay in the face of a determined political foe, is the mortal threat at hand. In another month, the damage may be too significant to overcome and Frist and the Republicans, after losing in 2006 and 2008, will disappear into the same oblivion as Hector and his Trojans. [my emphasis]
With all due respect to the mercenary commentator Dick Morris, the disaster for the GOP will be if it doesn't break the Dem filibuster and restore majority/constitutional rule.

If last year's election proved anything, it is that we can take the Left's best shot and still beat them as long as we understand that it is a campaign. But when we stop campaigning, and the other side doesn't (they never do), that's when we get in trouble, because the leadership never seems to learn that lesson, while the grassroots knows it implicitly.

That's the Republicans' problem in a nutshell. They're looking desperately for approval to all the wrong people. It wasn't the Democrats and the New York Times and the Washington Post and the network news departments that put the GOP in charge of the elected branches of government; it was "the citizen supporters of the red county majority." And those citizen supporters don't take well to being swindled.

The DisLoyal Opposition and the Extreme Media won't help any of them keep their lofty jobs. But they will bring weenies and marshmallows to roast over the flames of a long-anticipated "conservative crackup" that was needlessly and entirely self-inflicted.