Friday, July 08, 2005

Good Economic News

This morning the Bureau of Labor Statistics released data on June’s employment situation. According to the BLS report:

*146,000 new payroll jobs were created in June. Payroll job gains in May were revised up to 104,000.

*Twenty-five consecutive months of job gains have added over 3.7 million new jobs to payrolls.

*Payroll employment has increased by 2.1 million over the year and over 1 million new payroll jobs have been created so far this year.

*The unemployment rate (calculated from the household survey of employment) edged down to 5.0% in June, from 5.1% in May. Last June, the unemployment rate was 5.6%.

*The unemployment rate is the lowest since September 11, 2001 and remains below the averages of each of the past 3 decades.

Yet somehow, Democrats still think the economy isn't doing well...

Wonder if their tune would be a little different if it was a Democrat in the White House? I STILL see posts in different blogs and forums about how rotten the economy is and how Bush has screwed it up, etc. etc. Must be tough living in such a bleak little liberal world.

[HT: Blogs for Bush]