Wednesday, November 02, 2005

...And Starring Will Farrell As Howard Dean

You just can't make this stuff up. Listening to Chris Matthews trying to get Chairman How to admit that the Democrats are the "pro-choice" party sounded like the old Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck/Elmer Fudd "Shoot 'im now! Shoot 'im now! He doesn't have to shoot you now" gag. Just priceless.

Dr. Demented was in equally as rare a form on Hannity & Combs the other night:

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean is urging Leakgate Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to indict Vice President Dick Cheney if he had anything to do with the decision of his chief of staff, Lewis Libby, to leak CIA employee Valerie Plame's identity to the media.

"I do think there needs to be more investigation of the Vice President's office," Dean told the Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes Monday night.
Never mind that Libby's indictment had nothing whatsoever to do with "leaking" Valerie Wilson's name to anybody, and that Mr. Fitzgerald went out of his way to emphasize it in last Friday's press conference.

But here was the punchline, beginning with this Alan Colmes question:

"And the question is, did the Vice President instruct 'Scooter' Libby to reveal that name?"

"If he did," insisted Dean, then "the Vice President is probably criminally negligent and he ought to be indicted as well."
Isn't it amazing how the people who are the most willfully ignorant always put themselves over as knowing it all?

I'm sorry, there was an even better howler after that one:

[Dean] predicted that "we're going to find that out - because Fitzgerald has a reputation for being ruthless, relentless and totally non-political."
I'm telling you, this man is in the wrong profession - he should be headlining in Vegas.

UPDATE: I just related my "Will Farrell as Howard Dean" casting to a friend who thought Farrell would be too sedate for the role. How about Bobcat Goldthwait?