Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Forgotten "All-Out War" also not going the Democrats' way, as Tom DeLay has succeeded in winning the recusal of Ronnie Earle's hand-picked, moveon.orgnik judge:

Retired Judge C.W. "Bud" Duncan granted the motion without comment. The case now goes back to Administrative Judge B.B. Schraub, who will pick the new judge.

Attorneys for DeLay had filed a motion to recuse Judge Bob Perkins from presiding over the case, citing records that he had contributed to several Democratic candidates and organizations.

"The public perception of Judge Perkins' activities shows him to be on opposite sides of the political fence than Tom DeLay," said Dick DeGuerin, an attorney for DeLay, during opening statements.

This goes along with observations like water being wet, the sky being blue, and Democrats being corrupt crypto-fascists.

If you have any doubt, listen to the gibberish Ronnie Earle spouted in his closing arguments:

In closing remarks, Earle compared the case to "sectarian mobs" that oppose each other because of political affiliation.

"Danger is that the argument being made by the defendant’s counsel … will turn us into the Shiites and the Kurds and the Sunnis — and will turn us into sectarian mobs — opposing each other because of our political affiliation … there’s no basis for that in the history of our country and we don’t need to start that history today," Earle said.

All I can say is, "Look who's talking, Ronnie." Because our "sectarian mob" is paying attention.

And beware of stray lightning bolts from now on.

[HT: Powerline]