Thursday, December 08, 2005

Poor, Picked-On Howard...

What a typical liberal comeback!! We posted earlier here about Howard Dean's ludicrous statement about the USA not being able to win the war in Iraq. His reply to his detractors? Take a look-see:

Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean said Thursday his assertion that the United States cannot win the war in Iraq was reported "a little out of context," saying Democrats believe a new U.S. strategy is needed to succeed there.

Seeking to clarify a statement in a Texas radio interview that Republicans harshly assailed and some Democrats questioned, Dean said, "They kind of cherry-picked that one the same way the president cherry-picked the intelligence going into Iraq."

Read the whole article and see if YOU can find where he clarifies exactly how his statement was taken "out of context." It appears as if we were supposed to read his mind (a frightening thought, actually) and know what he was referring to...even though what he said is completely in line with what he has always said, and what his party is saying. We are the bad guys, we are not winning, basically...America sucks. Yeah, that's what they mean. Here is the statement in question:

Saying the "idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong," Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean predicted today that the Democratic Party will come together on a proposal to withdraw National Guard and Reserve troops immediately, and all US forces within two years.

Now, if he thought we could win the war in Iraq, why is he saying that it's an idea that's just plain wrong?? Also from the interview:

"I've seen this before in my life. This is the same situation we had in Vietnam. Everybody then kept saying, 'just another year, just stay the course, we'll have a victory.' Well, we didn't have a victory, and this policy cost the lives of an additional 25,000 troops because we were too stubborn to recognize what was happening."

Anybody see a problem with context yet? Read the rest. Howard Dean is a lying, sniveling little weasel who does NOT support the troops. He's a coward, just like his entire party.