Monday, June 05, 2006

Congressional GOP [Bleep]-Up Scoreboard

My outrage threshold was exceeded a long time ago, and I'm never going to go the "commit political suicide to make a point" route. I'm content to simply chronicle these ideological heresies and let others make their own judgments (of varying rationality).

Well, maybe not entirely content, but I'll get to that a little later.

***Two congressman - James Sensenbrenner and Darrell Issa, both 'Pubbies - reportedly threatened to impeach Attorney-General Alberto Gonzales if the FBI didn't return the evidence seized under lawful warrant from the office of Representative should-be-disgraced-but-somehow-still-isn't Bill Jefferson. A "raid" that is supported by six out of every seven Americans.

Andy McCarthy makes the rather self-evident argument that it is entirely within the power of the House of Representatives to expel Jefferson and purge his criminality from its ranks - something that appears not to have occurred to the discordant duo (Speaker Hastert and Minority Leader Pelosi). But then why would doing something in the glaringly obvious interest of both parties occur to either of them? Heck, when was the last time THAT happened?

***The Senate's "comprehensive" immigration bill contains a provision for the partial payment of back taxes by illegals. This makes the bill unconstitutional because the Constitution requires all revenue bills to originate in the House of Representatives. No problemo, sez Majority Leader Bill Frist, we'll just attach it to a revenue measure that has already passed the House. Problemo, sez Minority Leader "Dirty Harry" Reid, who refuses to sign off on Fristy's manuever and is evidently willing to filibuster any attempt to attach it anyway out of a dubious political calculation that the death of Hagel-Martinez will hurt the GOP at the polls this fall - thus actually doing the GOP a huge favor since enactment of H-M would be the unmitigated Republican disaster that Reid presumably seeks.

Does ANYbody inside the Beltway know which way is up anymore?

***The Senate, lobbied by former conservative, former Oklahoma Governor, and former estate tax foe Frank Keating, is poised to save the tax from repeal in favor of merely cutting the rates and boosting the exemption instead - thus putting Senate Republicans and Keating on the same side as Warren Buffet and the ACLU. Or, as the latter doubtless think of it, "slumming."

***But, just to show that this post isn't completely fratricidal, Fristy did succeed in pushing through the nominations of Brett Kavanaugh to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals and General Michael Hayden to CIA.

Rather like the cherry atop the compost heap.