Thursday, October 12, 2006

Deficit Shrinking

From the News That Won't Be Covered On The News department:

The federal budget deficit, helped by a gusher of tax revenues, fell to $247.7 billion in 2006, the smallest amount of red ink in four years.

The deficit for the budget year that ended Sept. 30 was 22 percent lower than the $318.7 billion imbalance for 2005, handing President Bush an economic bragging point as Republicans go into the final four weeks of a battle for control of Congress.

All together now: The Tax Cuts Are Working. Come on, Mr. President, brag!!

JASmius adds One reason why the Bush Administration is so inept at touting its economic successes? It has, from Day One, surrendered the Treasury Department to one liberal Democrat Secretary (and his minions) after another, and Henry Paulson is the worst one yet.

Couldn't Dubya have at least given Steve Forbes a courtesy phone call?