Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Down To The Wire

Well, I'm starting to experience the butterflies and sleep loss that I experienced two years ago a couple of weeks before the election. That was really an awful time...the thought of a John Kerry presidency was terrifying to me. Of course, the outcome of that election was great.

The gravity and importance of this upcoming election is also weighing heavily on my mind. It certainly is good for my spiritual life, however. :-) I find myself reading more, praying more, etc. One passage that keeps coming back is Philippians 4:6-7: "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

In the grand scheme of things, in eternity this election won't matter at all. That is a comforting thought for a believer. However, in the here and now I must think of my country's welfare, and the welfare of my children. In my opinion, the current Democratic leadership and many elected Democrat senators and representatives are just horrible people. I don't want them at the helm of my country, ruining it for my children. I don't want another terrorist attack on this country, and I fear that would be one of the consequences of putting liberals back in power. They have demonstrated nothing but hatred of America and unwillingness to do what is necessary to protect it. I can only hope and pray that enough Americans, when faced with the choice, will do the right thing for this country and turn back the Democrats yet again.

JASmius adds: Tony Blankely must have been listening to Jen's butterflies this morning:

[A]ny conservative ought to be very concerned about who has the political power in Washington. The Democrats have virtually promised to scandalize the Republican administration (with subpoena and impeachment-seeking oversight hearings) for the next two years - in preparation for defeating the 2008 Republican presidential nominee.

Moreover, every Democrat who beats a Republican in three weeks will have two years to feather his or her nest, and use the powers of incumbency to defeat his 2008 Republican challenger.

Even more important, in a closely fought 2008 presidential election, every extra Democratic incumbent senator, congressman and governor makes it just a little more likely that the Democratic presidential candidate may win that district or state. All those freshly tuned new Democratic machines will help get out Democratic Party votes for the top of their 2008 ticket.

This current conservative petulance - if it actually occurs on November 7 - will increase the chances of electing Hillary, or worse (if such a thing is possible) in 2008.

There is no rational policy or political basis for conservatives not voting. I'm not sure the country can take the current Democratic mob in power for long.

A realist once observed that the history of mankind is little more than the triumph of the heartless over the mindless. The Democrats are obviously heartless. Conservatives must guard against falling into the category of the mindless.

Ignore your heartfelt peevements, use your brains and vote.

Quin Hillyer - one of the peeved mindless conservatives to which Blankely made reference - has some helpful advice for a change as to what should be the focus of the GOP message these last three weeks. Summed up in one sentence, "Take another look around you - things are actually pretty good":

Fellow Americans, forget the over-hyped newscasts. Take a second look around your hometown. Life may be better than you realize.

Of those in the job market, more than 95% of you are working.

If you have a pension or investment plan, you're doing well: The stock market is at an all-time high.

If you're a homeowner, you're in good shape: Home values are strong and steady.

Wages have been rising for months. But gas prices are falling rapidly, helping out your family budgets.

In most places in America, crime is down a lot in the past five years. And our homeland hasn't suffered new terrorist assaults since 9/11.

Under Republican leadership, American life is pretty good. And why shouldn't it be: We Americans are good and hearty and sensible people.

Why rock the boat? Keep a steady team in place in Washington.

This campaign is the culmination of six years of left-wing hysteria. It can only succeed to the extent that Republicans allow it to by getting defensive and retreating in the face of this army of rabble and human debris. And while they may deserve the orgy of vengeance and strategic disaster that would ensue from such political and ideological flaccidity, We, The People certainly do not.

Maybe there's been too much retreat by now to regain the ground already lost in the time left. But it still wouldn't take much to keep the gavels out of the other side's claws. That's certainly worth a last ditch effort - and a second look.

UPDATE: Karl Rove is predicting GOP victory in terms of holding both the House and Senate. Yeah, he's not exactly objective and that's what you would expect him to say; but with his track record, and refusal to fudge on his forecast, is there really any money in betting against him?