Monday, October 16, 2006

How'll They Blame Bush For Hawaii Quake?

I was channel-surfing yesterday afternoon (largely because the afternoon NFL games sucked canal water and my Seahawks had already won) when I scooted by Fox News to discover the 6.6 earthquake off the cost of the big island of Hawaii. I watched the coverage for a while until it became clear that there hadn't been any deaths and the damage was limited mainly to power outages and airport closures (and at least one local hospital, which had to be evacuated).

The thought came to mind to post a snarky prediction of (1) how long it would take the left-wing fever swamps to blame the quake on George Bush and (2) how stridenly overwrought they'd be in doing so. But I passed, both because I had a devil of a time motivating myself to write anything this past weekend and because I didn't want to trivialize what Hawaiians had just been through.

Well, that's what the fever swamps are for, I guess, and it didn't take them long to jump in with all four feet:

Whenever you blow up stuff deep underground, you run the risk of forcing the tectonic plates to shift.

Recall how there were no nukes in North Korea under Clinton, when the adults were in charge of foreign policy. I hope that Hawaii residents can put two and two together and vote Democratic because the GOP's idiotic mishandling of North Korea is a clear and pleasant danger. Heh, the smoking gun just fired, Dee-dee-dees!
That's right, folks, a one-kiloton nuclear test three thousand miles away triggered a magnitude 6.6 earthquake in a "blue" state that has voted GOP in a presidential election, what, twice since its 1959 statehood? And Kim jong-Il did so on Dubya's direct orders so that Republican governor Linda Lingle could look heroic and in-charge just three weeks before a difficult re-election bid. I guess Karl Rove's secret weather control machine that the White House used to drown those ten thousand African-Americans in New Orleans last year was in the shop for repairs or something.

And, it goes without saying, even an "act of God" is not outside the realm of partisan politics.

Not surprising, I suppose, the Almighty being a Republican and all that....