Friday, October 13, 2006

Harry Greed's Actions Speak Louder Than His Words

The details of the Senate Minority Leader's corrupt land deal (Doesn't every prominent Donk have one of these skeletons in their closet?) can be found here. All you need to know about this in a bottom-line sense is summed up in one click:

Harry's hang up was different. It was an "I'm above answering these questions from you" type of hang up, and one that could be fairly characterized as a bizarre mixture of petulance and contempt.

Let's assume for the moment that the land deal is exactly what Harry Reid says it is: a simple, straightforward, perfectly legal transaction that is being misreported or blown out of proportion. Why on Earth wouldn't Reid simply state as much for the record? He could have said "we've been over all this before," or he could have said "you are way off base." Heck, he could have said just about anything. Instead, Reid hung up.

If you believe actions speak louder than words, what are we to make of the fact that the most powerful elected Democratic official in the country feels like he can just hang up in the middle of a tape-recorded interview with the largest news syndicate in America?
Because he's a Democrat and the largest news syndicate in America will give him a pass, just as they'd gleefully maul any Republican who exhibited such arrogant, "I'm above the law" behavior. But then again, no Republican would act that way; most likely s/he would already have resigned, whether the charges against him/her were valid (Duke Cunningham, Mark Foley) or a blatant smear (Tom DeLay).

Still, wasn't it hanging up on a radio interview that was the final nail in John McCain's 2000 GOP primary coffin? And doesn't Dirty Harry's hypocritical hauteur strike another gaping contrast with his party's endless and relentlessly self-righteous scandalmongering against the Republicans?

Apparently enough so to prompt "the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution [to] both call for a full Ethics Committee investigation of this deal, and the Inquirer [to] call for Reid to resign his leadership position." (per Cap'n Ed)

It'll never happen, of course. Democrats don't do resignations. Or accountability. Or mea culpas. As I wrote years ago, they see themselves as little slices of God.

On the other hand, if Mrs. Clinton decides she wants to run for president from the platform of Senate Democrat Leader, Harry Greed won't have a choice at all. But at least he's doing his part to ensure that that platform will not have the "majority" label on it.

UPDATE: Looks like Mark Warner has found the severed donkey head in his bed....