Sunday, October 15, 2006


If you don't subscribe to The Limbaugh Letter, you should go right over to Rush's web site and do it right now. This month's edition should wake up any conservative who is still thinking about staying home and letting the Democrats win in November.

He has an article entitled "Congress from Hell" which lays out in pictures and explanations who the committee chairs will be if the Democrats take control of the House. It's worse than any horror movie you'll watch this month. Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Waxman, Chairman Conyers, Chairman Rangel...why, it's almost unbearable. Then in an article entitled "Witches' Brew," he shows how they are chomping at the bit to begin impeachment proceedings, even as they publicly deny any such intentions. You know as well as I do that their kook base will INSIST that they immediately begin impeachment hearings, and Pelosi has already admitted that these hearings will take place in a rare fleeting moment of honesty.

People, we just can't let this happen.