Saturday, November 11, 2006


A reader sent this in to NRO. This is great:

They had to run that clip because the much of the rest of [Virginia Senator-elect Jim Webb's] speech was an absolute riot.

He started off by mentioning that "tomorrow is an extremely important day for America," and the crowd went wild, thinking he was talking about taking power. But of course, he launched into his praise of the Marine Corps, and the crowd cheered a little less loudly. Then he thanked all the brave veterans and brave men still fighting, and the crowd cheered a little less loudly again.

Then he mentioned that he received a call from Sen. Allen, and the crowd went nuts again. Then he mentioned how pleasant and dignified Allen was, and the crowd grew quiet. Then he said he was having lunch next week with Allen — and the crowd was dead silent. Finally he told the audience that they should all thank Senator/Governor Allen for his many years of dedicated service to the people of Virginia — and you could almost hear the people gathered looking at each other asking, "What the $#@! did we just do?"

It was priceless.

Amazing what a little integrity does to the moonbats, ain't it?

JASmius adds: I'm not laughing. Tell me that Webb announced in his victory speech that he came to his senses and is now switching to the Republican Party, and that a live camera was aimed at Harry Reid and Chucky Schumer, et al to capture their jaws hitting the floor, and I'll perforate my abdominal cavity with mirth and limericks about "Oh what a tangled Webb we weave...." Otherwise, screw it.

Whatever Webb's magnanimity-for-public-consumption on this occasion, he's still going to be doing the "moonbats'" bidding in the U.S. Senate. The cost of that tragedy is going to be far, far from "priceless".