Friday, November 10, 2006


Here's how I did with my election picks (my call / actual margin):

ARIZONA: Kyl +11 / Kyl +8

CALIFORNIA: Feinstein +26 / Feinstein +25

CONNECTICUT: Lieberman +12 / Lieberman +10

DELAWARE: Carper +29 / Carper +41

FLORIDA: Nelson +23 / Nelson +22

HAWAII: Akaka +[a ton] / Akaka +24

INDIANA: Lugar +100 / Lugar +74

MAINE: Snowe +[lots] / Snowe +54

MARYLAND: Cardin +2 / Cardin +10

MASSACHUSETTS: Kennedy +[google plex] / Kennedy +38

MICHIGAN: Stabenow +10 / Stabenow +16

MINNESOTA: Klobuchar +13 / Klobuchar +20

MISSISSIPPI: Lott +[a heapin' helpin'] / Lott +29

MISSOURI: McCaskill +1 / McCaskill +3

MONTANA: Tester +1 / Tester +1

NEBRASKA: Nelson +[enormous] / Nelson +28

NEVADA: Ensign +11 / Ensign +14

NEW JERSEY: Menendez +3 / Menendez +8

NEW MEXICO: Bingaman +[vast] / Bingaman + 40

NEW YORK: Rodham +23 / Rodham +36

NORTH DAKOTA: Conrad +[towering] / Conrad +40

OHIO: Brown +8 / Brown +12

PENNSYLVANIA: Casey +9 / Casey +17

RHODE ISLAND: Whitehouse +3 / Whitehouse +6

TENNESSEE: Corker +10 / Corker +3

TEXAS: Hutchison +[a bunch] / Hutchison +26

UTAH: Hatch +[the entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir] / Hatch +31

VERMONT: Sanders +[everything] / Sanders +33

VIRGINIA: Allen +1 / Webb +1

WASHINGTON: Cantwell +10 / Cantwell +19

WEST VIRGINIA: Byrd +[the gates that aren't so pearly] / Byrd +30

WISCONSIN: Kohl +[All the cheese that Vlad can't eat] / Kohl +37

WYOMING: Thomas +[infinity] / Thomas +40

~ ~ ~

SENATE: Dems +5 / Dems +6

HOUSE: Dems +17 / Dems +28

Only missed the Virginia race, and that's the margin by which both GOP majorities went down instead of just one. You'd think that I'd have been better prepared to absorb the news of this drubbing. That's the difference between theory and reality.

How bad is it? I'm having to take solace from the fact that my GOP congressman, Dave Reichert, was re-elected by a measily two points over as empty a Donk skirt as you'll ever see around these parts this side of our crooked, election-thieving governor and two empty-headed U.S. senators. If Darcy Burner's bra had been one cup size bigger, she might have knocked him off.

Do I sound bitter? Yes, I suppose I do. Not about what's already happened, but rather all that is yet to come that I KNOW my party will do nothing to try to prevent.

It sucks being a wolf in a party of sheep.