Friday, February 02, 2007

Left-Wing Vandals Are Above The Law

For some odd reason, though, the Family Research Council, via the following email, thinks they should not be:

This past weekend anti-Bush protestors marched on Washington. While the few thousand who showed up paled in comparison to the hundreds of thousands who
marched for life earlier in the week, the anti-Bush protestors were given unprecedented access to the U.S. Capitol grounds, and some of them used that access to publicly deface taxpayer's property. According to the local newspaper, The Hill, the protesters were allowed to take the Capitol steps and they began to spray-paint "anarchist symbols" and phrases such as "Our capitol building" and "You can't stop us" around the area.

For any other group, such acts would mean immediate arrest. This time, the Capitol police's hands were tied because they were ordered to stand down by their Chief of Police, who answers to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

To add insult to injury, public employees had to come in on their day off, at taxpayer's expense, to clean up the mess the protestors left behind. (View this video to see evidence of the vandalism.) The vandals clearly broke federal law.

According to the U.S. Code, "[I]f the damage exceeds $100, the defendant is subject to a fine of up to $250,000, ten years imprisonment, or both... When property damage does not exceed $100, the offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $100,000, one year imprisonment, or both."

According to the news reports the rank and file police officers were "livid" that they were ordered not to arrest anyone. Since the Capitol police answer to Speaker Pelosi, the question arises, did the Chief of Police give the "no arrest" order or did it come from someone else? Whoever is responsible for the order needs to explain why the physical destruction of taxpayer property is acceptable.

Please e-mail Speaker Pelosi's office and ask her to find out why no attempt was made to halt or arrest these vandals. If the U.S. Capitol has a new policy on such acts, does it apply to everyone - or just to those whose views the majority in Congress favors?

God bless Tony Perkins, the FRC president under whose name this email was distributed, but what a naif. Oh, his heart is in the right place; every last one of those traitors should have been bound, gagged, maced, billy-clubbed, and thrown in the fleet of D.C. paddy wagons that should have descended upon that mob the moment they set foot on the Capitol Mall (if they have such things as paddy wagons anymore), much less exercised their artistic license on the Capitol itself.

But they were not. Instead, they were under Crazy Nancy's protection. Because, you see, under Democrat rule there's no such thing as equality under the law, because libs are above the law and free to do whatever the hell they please. And the rest of us center-right untermenschen? We might as well have yellow symbols on our lapels.

And that is exactly what the American people voted for back in November.

So can Crazy Nancy not fairly be said to be carrying out the will of the people?

I guess we'll find out in twenty-one months.

At least, I hope we will.