Friday, March 16, 2007

The Fantasy-Based Community

There is no way to either turn liberals from traitors back into patriots or convince them that yes, we really are at war with Islamic Fundamentalists and their Middle East state sponsors. That's what I conclude from the following series of quotes.

Here is a very revealing portion of the confession of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the al Qaeda architect of some thirty-one terrorist attacks, including 9/11:

I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl.

Libs insist that the WAIF is a "law enforcement operation." Well, here is one of Osama bin Laden's top lieutenants bragging about his most celebrated one-on-one murder. Surely that should settle the question of what KSM and everybody like him are all about, that they are evil personified, and certainly not worthy of anybody's pity over things, like "torture," that haven't even been done to them.

C'mon, you didn't buy that for a single solitary moment, didja?

LAUER: How credible is this laundry list of targets? If you're being subjected to waterboarding or torture, won't you just spew out all kinds of locations to make it stop? GUTHRIE: Was coerced, was tortured...

ROSS: This comes four years after KSM was captured in Pakistan and subjected to what the US calls extreme interrogation techniques, including, officials tell ABC News, waterboarding.

CUOMO: Waterboarding. It leads to torture.

BERGEN: He'd been waterboarded. Certainly defense attorneys in his case will raise the matter of how this information was obtained.

I guess it's something that some of these Enemy Media drones actually bothered to distinguish between waterboarding and torture rather than conflating the two. At least technically, though their tone is less than convincing that they really believe it. Rather, they're far more morally distressed at the fact that KSM was interrogated at all than by the mass murders he's committed and the unapologetic pride he boastfully takes in them.

Don't worry, I've saved the worst for last:

[ROSIE] O’DONNELL: I think [KSM] has been in custody of the American government in secret CIA torture prisons in Guantanamo Bay, where torture is accepted and allowed, and he finally is the guy who admits to doing everything. They finally found the guy. It's not that guy bin Laden. It's this guy they've had since '93 - and look, this is the picture they released of him. Doesn't he look healthy? This man, for whatever he did or didn't do, he is not the be-all, end-all of terrorism in America, and our government has not found the answer.

*Sigh* Let's tally this up....

1) There are no "secret CIA torture prisons" at Gitmo; there were secret CIA-used facilities in Eastern Europe, but "torture" was never carried out there or anywhere else.

2) "Torture" is neither accepted nor allowed by the United States government; it has always been illegal. And waterboarding isn't torture.

3) Does anybody really believe that Rosie O'Fatass would countenance "adversarial interrogation techniques" against Osama bin Laden any more than she does KSM?

4) KSM was captured in Afghanistan in 2002, not 1993, and the famous picture of him was right after that capture, not after "torture" that never took place.

5) I can't make head or tails out of her "KSM isn't the be-all and end-all of terrorism in America" quip. Does that mean that having him in custody is meaningless unless we capture every other Islamic terrorist on the planet? Wouldn't doing so mean a pretty big escalation of the war? Doesn't Rosie O'Dieseldyke oppose the war?

6) When one of her View-mates had the unmitigated gall to call KSM [*GASP*] a "terrorist," Rosie O'BuddyHacketAfterASexChangeOperation leaped to the theocratic neoNazi's defense by accusing KSM's "accuser" of "robbing him of his humanity" by so accurately describing him.

There aren't words in the English language to fully describe this level of seditious idiocy. Before last November I wouldn't even have given it a passing thought. But now the country is being run by people like this. How KSM must be roaring with laughter in his "secret CIA torture prison" cell right now, knowing his ultimate release and victory over the United States is only a matter of time.

For a change of pace, Andrew Sullivan asked an intelligent question this week, in the sense that it was excruciatingly rhetorical:

Are American writers, artists, and thinkers truly prepared to admit that Islamofascism is a real, and even imminent, threat to everything they are accustomed to thinking, saying, and creating?

Rosie O'BubbleBass gave King Sodomy his answer above. But for the sake of redundancy let's be redundant for redundancy's sake:

So how big is the threat? For me, it just isn't that big. Islamic terrorists, if they are lucky, will manage a couple of medium profile bombings of tourist sites each year, and maybe something larger (New York, London, Madrid) every few years. This sucks, and our security services should relentlessly hunt down these people and take them out of the game. But is it really that much of a threat to the world?

Our societies, cultures and economies are just too strong to be even mildly shaken by this lame bullshit. Just because some gaggle of religious lunatics manages to kill a bunch of westerners once every six months, does anyone really believe that "everything we are accustomed to thinking, saying and creating" is under threat? I call bullshit.

Yeah, Tom Gara is qualified to call bullshit, alright, since he's so supremely full of it. Three thousand American civilians killed in the space of less than an hour, hundreds more in Madrid and London, and this guy's reaction is a bored shrug and glib "that sucks"? And he's willing to accept this happening on a regular basis, which handily belies the ass-covering clause that follows. "Our security services should relentlessly hunt down these people and take them out of the game" sounds an awful lot like the war we've been fighting that people like Gara oppose and the "extreme interrogation techniques" that people like Rosie O'SouthEndOfANorthboundHippopotamus find abhorrent, especially when applied to poor, innocent souls like Khalid Shiekh Mohammed.

Let's look at this in terms of basic arithmetic. There are over a billion Muslims on the planet. If even 1% of them are fundamentalists, that's a pool of TEN MILLION jihadis determined to conquer the world for Allah by depopulating it of EVERYBODY who doesn't bow the knee to that demon false god and his demented, drug-addled "prophet," just like KSM. If the Islamist terror regime in Iran is left in place, it will develop a full-fledged nuclear weapons assembly line from which every terrorist network in the world can and will be amply supplied with nuclear (as well as chemical and biological) weapons which WILL be used to murder God knows how many Jews and Americans and other Westerners. And if we cease even the inadequate level of resistance we're maintaining against this onslaught presently, there will be NOTHING to prevent attacks on a level that Gara isn't even trying to imagine.

Just imagine a single attack with a single nuclear missile launched from a platform out in international waters, detonating over the continental United States. An EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack that would completely fry our electrical grid and any unprotected electronic device in the country, take us a century and a quarter backward technologically in a matter of seconds, destroy our economy at a stroke, and leave us below Third-World level - and completely defenseless - overnight.

Wasn't "imagine" a Beatles "peace" song back in the halcyon days of Vietnam? What a shame that left-wing imaginations only function in the wrong direction. What a mortal threat it is that the left-wing is now in power. What a tragedy it will be when the inevitable results of their death-wish rule detonate with a flash and a roar some not-too-distant weekday morning.

And what a surprise the Rosies and Garas will be in for when they discover that they will not, after all, escape the whirlwind they unleashed.