Thursday, April 19, 2007

"...and pray for NBC"

Wow. And again I say, wow. Seung hui-Cho, the Virginia Tech massacrer, had his atrocity all scoped out. Before doing his heinous deed, he sent a package of print, photo, and video materials - a comprehensive propaganda manifesto - to NBC News (and probably other Enemy Media outlets as well).

Common sense and basic human decency would suggest that the last thing any media outlet should do is actually air this garbage. Why give this mass murderer a platform to spew forth whatever twisted grievances and wacko ideology that poisoned his mind? Why reward his unconcionable actions and contemptuously backhand his victims and their families by actually airing what he had to say? It's a no-brainer, right? Bury it, deep-six it, round-file it, get out the megashredder and throw the tattered shards into the industrial incinerator.

Instead, NBC aired the stuff. In its entirety. All the while assuring its outraged audience that they didn't want to do it but it was their job, their duty, to do so.

You get the feeling that when al Qaeda sets off a radiological weapon in Chicago or a sarin gas attack in Los Angeles and kills several tens of thousands more American civilians following our pell-mell, utterly unforced retreat from Iraq and the Middle East, NBC will be in the lead airing bin Laden's latest fatwas. Because, of course, it's a nasty task, but somebody has to do it....