Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Does this sound like confidence to you?

Hard not to conclude the WADonks are pissing themselves in fear that their great election heist of 2004 is destined to unravel in the very near future.

Just listen to this rant.

To just what ends is Dino Rossi willing to go to be governor of the State of Washington?

In an attempt to litigate himself into the governor’s mansion, Rossi is suing everyone involved in this election. He has sued every single county, every county auditor, the Secretary of State, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House - 81 parties in all.

No, he's not trying to "litigate himself into the governor's mansion." He is contesting a fraudulent election in order to get it thrown out and a new election held - one that, if current polls are any indication, the voters of Washington very much want and in which Christine Grinchoire would stand very little chance.

Rossi’s team is running criminal background checks on everyone who voted in this election.

Um, no, it isn't, unless Dino stumbled across a thirty million dollar inheritance or something with which to fund three million criminal background checks at ten bucks a pop.

They have now accused hundreds of voters of committing a felony by voting illegally, even though independent investigations show their numbers to be outrageously inflated.

What "independent investigations"? What "they" are alleging is that hundreds of illegal votes were cast, along with hundreds more run through erroneously, and hundreds of ballots without a a voter, and hundreds of voters (i.e. military voters) who were disenfranchised. According to, the total tally of all this malfeasance and incompetence is over 3,700 votes. If you figure Grinchoire enjoyed a 20% advantage, since all of this stuff is concentrated in King County, that comes to roughly seven hundred votes, or some six times Grinchoire's final margin.

Rossi’s gang....

"Gang"? Isn't that a rather emotionally charged term to use in this situation?

...has asked people to spy on their neighbors, visit their website, look at the list of who has voted and tell ‘em who you think voted illegally.

What's the point of this slur? If you have no case, just start making things up?

Kind of like how they manufactured Grinchoire's "victory," come to think of it....

Haven’t we seen tactics like this somewhere before?

Well, last year we saw massive vote fraud here and in Wisconsin, we saw tires of Republican GOTV vehicles slashed, we saw a wave of burglaries and drive-by-shootings at GOP offices across the country. I expect to see quite a bit more of that in the near future if a new gubernatorial election is ordered.

Now, they are asking the government for a list of legal aliens, so they can go after immigrants - a community already hesitant to participate in our voting process.

"Go after" in what way? If legal aliens cannot vote legally, why should that not be part of the contestation? If they can, what purpose would be served by "going after them?" This is a null statement obviously designed to smear Senator Rossi as a racist. As a tactic this is congenital for libs, but what purpose it serves other than gratuitous slander is more than a little mystifying. One thing it doesn't sound like is confidence in the ultimate outcome of Senator Rossi's contest.

Rossi’s problem, of course, is that the election contest statute clearly says the GOP must prove that the illegal votes cost Dino Rossi the election.

Er, no it doesn't, as no less an authority than former state AG and U.S. Senator Slade Gorton has pointed out. All Rossi has to prove is that there was sufficient doubt about the election's outcome to get the results thrown out - and he's got that clinched thirty-fold.

But most news stories would indicate Dino Rossi got the bulk of votes from felons and dead people – Chris Gregoire was, after all, the state’s chief law enforcement officer for 12 years which hurt her popularity among felons.

ROFLMAO! By this same "logic," Grinchoire got the bulk of votes from felons and corpses because, as the state's chief law enforcement officer, she could arrange for them to vote and for their votes to be counted in her favor.

At any rate, her twelve year tenure as AG was a boon for felons. Tobacco companies were about the only parties who feared her.

"Hurt her popularity among felons" {snicker}

Rossi should have won the old fashioned way, by getting more votes.

He did. Grinchoire robbed him blind via the new-fashioned way - blatant vote fraud.

When he was ahead he said he trusted voters not lawyers, but he’s filed four lawsuits.

When in Rome....

First, he went to court repeatedly to have votes thrown away.

Illegal votes, yes, as they should have been.

Since that failed he is trying to sue his way into office, calling on Washington residents to turn in their neighbors, and engaging in blatant voter intimidation.

No, he's trying to right a great wrong and ensure that the people of the State of Washington actually get to choose their next governor rather than have an imposter and a thief imposed upon them.

Democracy is a wonderful thing when it's allowed to function honestly, isn't it?

Washington State deserves better.

Washington State deserves Dino Rossi as its governor. Given all that's been done to him and all he's put up with and the class he's shown throughout the whole ordeal, it's a shame that his efforts will still most likely come to naught.

You might even say it's Dino Rossi who deserves better.