Saturday, February 12, 2005

Fisher Ames goes "pffft"!

Here's an email I appreciatively am able to share from my friend Geo Merideth, whose insight never fails to dazzle:

To those bitter critics, foreign and domestic, who do so hate America, there is no better reply than that of Fisher Ames of Massachusetts:

Fisher Ames - In Convention, Boston - Tuesday February 5, 1788

There was not any government which he knew to subsist, or which he had ever heard of, that would bear a comparison with the new Constitution. Considered merely as a literary performance, it was an honor to our country: legislators have at length condescended to speak the language of philosophy; and if we adopt it, we shall demonstrate to the sneering world, who deride liberty because they have lost it, that the principles of our government are as free as the spirit of our people.

. . . . . Debates In The Convention Of The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts, On The Adoption Of The Federal Constitution, Elliot’s Debates, Vol II, pg 155

History records that the ‘new Constitution’ was, indeed, adopted.

So, to Jacque Chirac, to Ward Churchill, to King Kofi, and to all the other little America-haters out there, we need add nothing to the remarks of Fisher Ames save "pffft"!