Thursday, April 21, 2005

Animal Party

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune (via Powerline) brings us the latest installment of Dr. Demented's metamorphosis into a doppelganger of John Belushi:

[Howard] Dean regaled an appreciative [ACLU] audience for nearly 90 minutes without once raising his voice, as he did after last year's Iowa primary election. But he did draw howls of laughter by mimicking a drug-snorting Rush Limbaugh.

"I'm not very dignified," he said. "But I'm not running for president anymore."

Almost hard to believe that he ever did. Until you remember what party he's in, at least, and then the incredulity goes away.

Brother Hinderaker rhetorically asks...

Is that really the image the Democratic Party wants? Crude, hateful, bigoted, low-class?


Here's an audio clip of Chairman How's latest performance, if you need an aerobic workout without donning spandex.