Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Figurative Cesspool Creates A Real One

The more that comes out about how bleeped up New Orleans and Louisiana government is - and remember, they're both run by the Democrats - the less surprising the Katrina disaster there becomes:

Nine months before the Hurricane Katrina disaster, three Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness officials were indicted for obstructing an audit into flood prevention expenditures.

In a November 2004 press release, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Louisiana announced:

"A federal grand jury has returned two separate indictments charging three members of the State Military Department with offenses related to the obstruction of an audit of the use of federal funds for flood mitigation activities throughout Louisiana.

"The two emergency management officials were senior employees of the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Both were charged with conspiracy to obstruct a federal audit."

Looks like they picked the perfect patsy to sit atop this civic compost heap:

Governor Kathleen ["Dear In The Headlights"] Blanco told Louisiana's News-Star at the time that she was "disturbed by the indictments."

There's no clear indication whether that meant that she was offended that the character of her government would dare be questioned or whether she has been asleep at the lecturn as well as the switch. But it is clear that Blanco isn't qualified to run a quilting bee, much less an entire state, a fact that will become increasingly difficult for avenging angel/diverting devil Beltway Donks to obfuscate as the Katrina aftermath continues to unfold.