Thursday, November 03, 2005

Line Of The Day (So Far)

John Podhoretz in the Corner on White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan and his clumsy "sneak" attack on Karl Rove:

Look, let's talk turkey. McClellan isn't a very good press secretary, to put it mildly. He looks as though at any moment he is going to bolt from the podium and go running into the bathroom to throw up. Karl Rove is the most effective White House strategist in our lifetimes.

Not much doubt about which of the two will be heading out the door sooner. Especially since, as J-Pod also adds, the President absolutely detests fratricide-by-leaks.

I think McClellan's queasiness, at least of late, must come from the whoppers he had to tell in defense of Harriet Miers' ill-fated SCOTUS nomination. Maybe he's barfing up his conscience and it's become ingrown or something.

I'm sure it will all come out in his post-White House tell-all book.