Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mirror, Mirror

Do you ever wonder how some ostensibly smart, capable, accomplished adult human beings can either, depending upon your interpretation, descend to such subterranean depths of cynicism and amoral prevarication as to tell blatant fairy tales at complete variance with the established facts of the topic in question, or become so mentally unbalanced by partisan dementia as to actually believe such myths and fables to be true?

Welcome to today's Democrat Party.

I wonder about that stuff all the time. I go back and forth and back and forth constantly. On the one hand, I think it all has to be a work because nobody, no matter how far left, can seriously believe the bilious nonsense they spew at President Bush and the GOP on a daily basis. On the other, the timeless wisdom of Lazarus Long comes to mind: "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."

Two stories today brought that ongoing mental tug-o-war once more to the fore, the first involving You-Know-Who:

Senator Hillary Clinton said the discussion of gay marriage in Congress this week is a priority of the "political machine of the White House and the Republican majority" but her constituents put other concerns first.

"When I travel around and speak with people whom I'm representing, they worry about everything from terrorism to gas prices to the cost of health care to energy independence," Clinton said Monday at a fund-raising luncheon.
And what is Mrs. Clinton doing about the issues she cites? Terrorism? For all the strident posturing of her and Chucky Schumer this past week over the Department of Homeland Security's funding reallocations for large municipalities (which New York City still predominates), it was, in fact, Hillary Clinton who backed a $95 million cut last December in funding from the Centers for Disease Control for bioterrorism programs around the nation, of which some $3 million would have gone directly to Gotham. That came two months after she and the racist besmircher of Senator-in-waiting Michael Steele tried to slash the CDC grant by $28 million more. Gas prices and energy independence? She's voted against ANWR drilling at every opportunity. Health care costs? She wants to explode them and foist it all on the taxpayers - i.e. us.

But that wasn't the most surreal portion of her remarks:

After showing her campaign video, Clinton told her audience that in the days after the September 11 attacks the country could have been brought together but the Bush Administration did not take advantage of that and instead focused on divisive issues like gay marriage.

Leaving aside the "inconvenient truth" that it was her incontinent hubby who left us wide open to those attacks through his indolent indifference to the rising al Qaeda threat throughout his no-account tenure, she seems to have "forgotten" how the country DID "come together" after 9/11 thanks to President Bush's incomparable leadership, how his approval numbers soared into the stratosphere, and how she and her fellow fifth-columnists had to lay off the hyperpartisan hatreds for eight full months or risk political suicide. And when that truce was finally and inevitably broken, it was Hillary Clinton who took the first shot by circulating the outrageous fever-swamp slander that "Bush knew" the 9/11 attacks were coming and did nothing to stop them.

But even that isn't the quantum anomaly; it is her apparent inability to read a calendar, as sodomarriage didn't become a front-burner bone of public contention until late 2003 at the earliest when the Massachusetts Supreme Judical Court conjured up a "right" for homosexuals to debase society's most fundamental institution out of its arrogant ether.

Maybe it is presidential ambitions that helps account for this perpetual state of delusion, as it looks to have infected Senator Hairplugs as well:

While the White House has a plan to not "totally lose" Iraq, Senator Joe Biden says the Bush Administration has no plan on how to win there.

The Delaware Democrat tells CBS' The Early Show that the White House needs to find a way to get Sunni Arabs to buy into the new Iraqi government. As it stands now, he says there is no unity government in Baghdad, with a large part of the army and essentially the entire police force acting as "sectarian death squads."
I'm not even sure what that first sentence means. But it's Biden's party that has the plan for "totally losing" Iraq, so even if what he said in graf #1 was true, it'd put the President miles ahead of Slow Joe & cohorts.

But what Biden said in graf #1 isn't true. It's never been true. The Bushies always had a plan for rebuilding and democratizing Iraq. It wasn't perfect by a long shot (but what "plan" is?), and has been adjusted along the way as needed, but it has been a tremendous success, and all the more so for the stubborn ferocity of the doomed "insurgency."

Which brings us to graf #2. Despite the "insurgency," Iraq has been rebuilt after Saddam Hussein's grisly depredations, and elected a constitutional convention, which wrote a constitution that was ratified by the Iraqi people, and under which the Iraqi people elected their first legitimate government in decades, which is now officially in office and taking over more and more of the responsibility for crushing al Qaeda invaders and otherwise controlling its own territory, freeing up Coalition forces for "redeployments" as necessary. Biden's ramblings about "no unity government" and "sectarian death squads" is so through-the-looking-glass as to be almost Kerryesque. Either that or he wants to see Saddam Hussein restored to power, which is the only interpretation I can conceive of for his Sunni ass-kissing, as though indulging the minority that held vicious sway over the Kurds and Shia for so many years would solve all of Iraq's "sectarian" problems. As though they didn't have a "unity" government. Which obviously means something else to Slow Joe than it does to anybody with a rational mind and two feet firmly planted in the real world.

It always harkens back to a line from an episode of Cheers, where Fraiser Crane wryly asks Cliff Claven, "What color is the sky in your world?"

In this case, the most rhetorical of questions.