Thursday, October 12, 2006

Insipid Leftist Nonsense

I've been watching Loose Change with my son, it was given to him by his Current Events teacher at school. It is the most wacko conspiratorial insult to my intelligence I've ever seen. It is a "documentary" purporting to prove that Bush blew up the World Trade Center, shot a missile into the Pentagon, and faked the crash of Flight 93 in order to...well, I'm not sure what this was supposed to do for him.

There is a web site that I pointed my son to,

regarding this video. No doubt he will not get the "other side" in his class.

How anyone can believe that George W. Bush committed mass murder in order to declare war on Iraq is just...well, words fail me. As much as I dislike Bill Clinton, if 9-11 had happened on his watch that thought wouldn't even have occured to me. The hatred of Bush on the Left is scary in its intensity.