Thursday, April 19, 2007


Here is what the majority leader in the Senate, a high profile leader in the United States, has to say about our country and our military:

The war in Iraq "is lost" and a US troop surge is failing to bring peace to the country, the leader of the Democratic majority in the US Congress, Harry Reid, said Thursday.

"I believe ... that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week," Reid told journalists.

It's a good thing I'm not a swearing person, or I would have singed my monitor when I saw that. How completely un-American and breathtakingly stupid a statement is that?? How DARE a person supposedly representing our country say that! Okay, I know I'm babbling, but I am *furious*. I'll bet the bubbly is breaking out in a few caves this evening. Talk about a useful idiot.
To repeat what Jim has said so many times, THIS is what the Americans who thought they were teaching the Republicans a lesson last November have done. Now we all have to suffer for it. If this doesn't make Lieberman jump, I don't know what will.

JASmius adds: Insert the words "want you to" between "I" and "believe" in the Dirty Harry quote above and you'd have a 100% candid statement of blind, ignorant faith.

Yeah, there's violence in Iraq - that tends to happen in a war. That the violence is lopsidedly suffered by the "insurgents" doesn't seem to make it into the Enemy Media reports. But that doesn't matter, because we, the people, are once again held captive in the liberal bubble of unreality in which whatever they declare to be true is true regardless of actual, you know, facts. So the "surge" isn't working even though it is, and Iraq is "lost" even though it's not, NBC "didn't rush" the Seung hui-Cho video on the air even though they did and did so in "an appropriate manner" even though they didn't, Donks are doing away with "earmarks" even though they're wallowing in them like the proverbial hogs in the mire - and, oh yes, the SCOTUS' upholding of the partial birth abortion ban is akin to, you guessed it, the Virginia Tech massacre.

Of course, by that logic NBC should be lauding that lightning bolt of justice and mercy from Olympus to the high heavens. I guess they were too busy serving as Seung hui-Cho's posthumous publicity agents.

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has some responses from military people regarding this seditious jerk's remarks. Needless to say, they ain't happy.