Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Kerry conceding Florida?????

So Tony Snow apparently suggested to Bill O'Neill on Fox tonight, in order to focus his remaining resources on Ohio and Pennsylvania.

There's two ways to look at this rumor:

(1) Kerry is doing a lot worse in these three states than state polling is indicating. If this is the case, the election is over, because there is no way on God's green Earth that Kerry can win without Florida, and if he's having to "shore up" Pennsylvania and Ohio, the other Midwest battleground states are likely too far out of reach to make up for it.

(2) It's crap.

I agree with Jim Geraghty's take - with only a week left in the pre-election campaign anyway, what would be the point? Besides, no matter how Kerry is doing in these three states, he can't quit Florida for the same underlying reason: without it, he's finished.