Friday, March 11, 2005

Anything to Avoid Private Accounts

How badly to Democrats want to avert the enactment of Social Security private accounts?

The #2 House Democrat [Steny Hoyer of Maryland] said Thursday that cutting Social Security benefits to the disabled and child survivors shouldn't be dismissed as options for improving the program's finances.

Hoyer didn't go the next step and endorse this idea, but the very fact of such a high-ranking Donk publicly putting it on the table while his colleagues are adopting the stance that the President has to withdraw private accounts altogether before they'll even deign to negotiate is nothing short of flabbergasting in its candor about libs' true motivations.

They would rather, to turn their own noxious rhetoric back on them, throw children and cripples into the snow with no Alpo than allow the ***CHOICE*** for non-seniors of even partially opting out of the system that is ripping them off.

When the rubber meets the road, what matters to these people is power. Power over children, power over the disabled, power over the elderly, power over us all. And in the domestic policy realm, entitlement programs are their last redoubt. Lose Social Security to the supply-side infidels, and FDR's Glorious Revolution is history.

And they are losing. Hoyer's comment proves it.

If you ever wondered what political cannibalism is, you're looking at it.

[HT: GOP Bloggers]