Friday, March 11, 2005

Rumsfeld exonerated (again)

The probe into detainee "torture"/abuse headed by Vice Admiral Albert T. Church has yielded the following findings:

1. There was no policy that condoned torture.

2. There was no policy that encouraged abuse.

3. There was a lot of inconsistency across interrogation techniques. Many of those techniques were developed in the combat theater and migrated to other areas.

4. There was a general lack of military command guidance in dealing with the CIA. He found 30 ghost detainees. One such detainee was in that status for 45 days.

5. There were missed interrogation opportunities in part because the military failed to take account of lessons from prior conflicts.

6. There was no guidance to CENTCOM or by CENTCOM on interrogations.

I would say that this is a triumph for the Big Dog, except that nobody outside the comp-symp fever swamps ever took this "Bush is a torturer" twaddle seriously to begin with.

But what the heck, anything that pushes Uncle Teddy waddling off toward the nearest hootch emporium for a few extra rounds is reason to celebrate in my book.

[HT: Kevin McCullogh via GOP Bloggers]