Thursday, March 10, 2005

Senator Church Lady

Hot off the Newsmax wire:

New York Senator Hillary Clinton, whose husband's affair with a 23-year-old intern prompted saturation news coverage for a year, complained on Wednesday that children were exposed to too much sex in the media.Calling the proliferation of adult entertainment "a silent epidemic," the top Democrat said, "Just a decade ago, we made great strides to keep children away from inappropriate material."


Is she sure she didn’t mean “we made great strokes…”?

In 1994, Clinton noted, she and her husband hosted the Children's Television Summit at the White House and worked for passage of the Children's Television Act, which led to the implementation of the V-Chip in every new television over 13 inches.

“Over thirteen inches”? Sounds like a Lavitra commercial.

It was also the year Mr. Clinton was sued for sexual harassment by Arkansas state worker Paula Jones - which led to the discovery that he was using the Oval Office for sexual trysts.

Thus, er, laying bare the rank hypocrisy of these crocodile cultural concerns.

Soon the evening news was saturated with reports chock full of R-rated material, forcing parents to deal with uncomfortable questions from children as young as five-years-old.
Surveys now credit Senator Clinton's husband with making oral sex an acceptable practice among the impressionable teenage population.

Question that ought to, but never will be, asked of Mrs. Clinton, unless Jeff Gannon is reinstated: “Senator, how big a role, if any, will your husband have in your campaign and administration, if you are elected, or will you have him forcibly added to the crew of an impromptu one-way mission to Mars?

Still, in her remarks on Wednesday, the top Democrat made no mention of her husband's role in desensitizing an entire generation to sexual topics that were previously taboo.

And yet she’s going to New York to “stand by her man” as he undergoes a surgical procedure. Hmmmm….

Instead the former first lady called for parents to be more responsible, saying they "need to keep up with this multi-dimensional environment."

A meaningless admonition. If she was serious, she’d chastise Hollywood for churning out the steady moldy stream of dreck she claims to lament. And then, my God, what would Babs say?

Still, hiding behind a rhetorical façade of center-rightness is straight out of the Clinton playbook. And however much of her hubby’s gregarious charm she lacks, she’ll more than make up in the absence of his satyriasis.

Does anyone want to bet me a steak dinner that she isn’t running for president in 2008? I’d love to try out Ruth’s Criss.