Friday, March 11, 2005

Presidential Wisdom

Bush in Louisville yesterday (via Blogs for Bush):

...So we've got to do something. And a lot of grandfathers understand we've got to do something. I look forward to the wisdom of our seniors. I look forward to their input as to what ought to be done to make sure this system works. There's a safety net for retirees. There's a hole in the safety net for a younger generation coming up. And that's why I've asked Congress to discuss the issue. I guess it's just my nature. I believe when you see a problem, you've got to deal with it and not pass it on to future Presidents and future Congresses....

If you see a problem, member of Congress, regardless of your party, you have an obligation to come to the table. You've got an obligation to sit down and come up with a permanent solution. We don't need a band-aid solution for Social Security. (Applause.) We need to solve this issue now and forever. The longer we wait, the worse it gets to solve it. And when we sit at the table, let's make sure we do our duty to fix it forever.

You might remember 1983, they solved the Social Security problem -- they said it's a 75-year fix. Well, here we are, 22 years later, looking at a system that's going to go into the red in 2018. You know, it's one thing to tell the people that you're going to fix it; but this time we are, permanently. We're going to make sure that this issue - a safety net exists for younger generations coming up....

It's gonna pass, folks. Or, as my dear old day used to say to me, "You're gonna find out..."