Friday, October 13, 2006

About (C)BS' Early Halloween In Iraq

Per MRC, it's a testament to the Black Eye network's well-earned nickname:

Despite how the estimate of 665,000 Iraqi deaths caused by violence since the war began - a number forwarded in a new report from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - represents quadruple the highest monthly rate as tracked by the UN and is thirteen times larger than the total compiled by the Iraq Body Count group, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric set up a Wednesday story on the guesstimate by declaring [it] as fact. [emphases added]

The Left continues to try to mislead the country out of Iraq, a cause to which they are so rabidly committed that, apparently, even self-humiliation is no longer an obstacle.

UPDATE: David Frum pokes more holes in the JHB "report":

The 600,000 number flunks the common sense test. As Tim Blair points out in his excellent blog , 600,000 is more dead than all the Germans killed by allied bombing during World War II. It is ten times the number killed at Hiroshima. As he could have also pointed out, it is more casualties than Iraq suffered in eight years of war with Iran. [emphases added]

When it comes to left-wing "anti-war" zealotry, common sense is always the first casualty.

UPDATE II: Richard Nadler tears the JHB "report" apart limb by limb.