Thursday, October 19, 2006


You gotta give the award for positive thinking to Mark Noonan over at Blogs for Bush. He writes about the DNC borrowing $5-10 million for the last couple of weeks of the campaign, and makes a good point that if they're so sure they're going to rout the Republicans, why do they have to borrow so much money? The best part is the last sentence:

I'm telling ya, the MSM has gotten it wrong - the polling is bogus: the Democrats are heading for quite the crash on November 7th...and the leadership knows it.

Man, I hope he's right. I'd settle for holding both houses, but a rout would be fun. Can you just *imagine* the kooks' reaction if that happened?

JASmius adds: Well, I, for one, cannot. I'm with Dafydd - sure, the polls can be "bogus," but not by enough to send the Democrats to a "crash" on Election Day.

But then, in terms of expecations, if they're simply denied the majority in both Houses, that will be "crash" enough.

Jenny replies: Yeah, I know. Realistically it's going to be a nail-biter. Like I said, I'd be happy just to hold the majority. It's just fun to think about how REALLY off the deep end the DU types would go if the Democrats LOST seats. What a delicious thought...hey, I can dream, can't I??