Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Dinesh D'Souza Is Not A Republican

How do I know? Because what Republican would have the balls to publish a book asserting this?:

"In this book I make a claim that will seem startling at the outset. The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11."
In a word, wow.

But the deeper you get into his analysis, the more sense it makes - to say nothing of becoming deliciously satisfying:

[T]he term "cultural left" to D'Souza doesn't refer to the Democratic Party, or to all liberals. Nor is he saying that anyone on the cultural left actually attacked us on 9/11. And the book avoids much of the strident rhetoric seen in other "liberal-bashing" books.

"I am saying that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector, and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world," explains D'Souza.

These are the true "root causes" liberals are always looking for, but seem to always miss or get wrong.

What he means by this is that the secular progressive left during the past few decades, with its focus on promoting and even glorifying (at home and abroad) what most of the world's more traditional societies see as depravity and atheism, has provoked a backlash among traditional, moderate Muslims who see their religious and moral values threatened by an aggressive, immoral, anti-religious crusade.

According to D'Souza, this backlash is being co-opted by the radicals and extremists who have turned it into a radical jihad against the West.

In a sense, he says, Muslims are right: The West (led by the American left) is waging a war against Islam, just as it is waging a war against traditional Christianity.
"Radicals and extremists" refer to Islamic Fundamentalists, or those Muslims who take the Koran seriously and literally and carry out its hateful, murderous doctrines. I don't know that I would go so far, as D'Souza does, to argue that Christian evangelicals and "moderate" Muslims "have more in common than they realize," but if the cultivation of the latter is as important as so many defeatists, appeaseniks, and "realists" keep claiming, it certainly wouldn't hurt to tell the cultural left to go do something anatomically impossible and start cleaning up the cesspool of moral corruption and depravity that our pop culture has become:

[D'Souza] argues that the growing anti-Americanism abroad is directed more at the global spread of our debased pop culture and the leftist political ideas that liberals so proudly defend. Family collapse, "gay marriage," licentiousness, pornography, abortion on demand, the war against religion in the public square – are all threats to traditional values in the West, as well as in the Muslim world.
Powerful and provocative stuff. And devastatingly on-target, judging by the cultural left's unhinged reaction:

So far some in America's cultural left have gone into pre-emptive apoplectic rage based solely on the publisher's introduction letter.

For example, James Wolcott of Vanity Fair, who seems not to have read the book, admitted he took an "instant animus" against it. He says: "But this is a special book, deserving special mistreatment ... I prefer to do the irresponsible thing and declare war on Dinesh D'Souza and his stinking mackerel of a book starting now."

And so he does. Immersed in a cesspool of personal invective and unfounded hysterical accusations, Wolcott goes on to nitpick some relatively insignificant details in the book, apparently selected at random, while missing the totality of D'Souza's argument.

His response to D'Souza's comment that no one had made the charge before about the left's culpability for 9/11: "The reason it hasn't been made before," screams Wolcott, "is that it's a sleazy, shameless, ignorant, ahistorical, tendentious, meretricious lie, one that was waiting for the right brazen liar to come along to promote it."

Yet Wolcott in no way refutes the arguments D'Souza uses to buttress his case. Instead, he repeats the old, worn-out charges that America asked for 9/11 because of our militarism, support for Israel, imperialism, etc.

Sounds like the typical liberal reaction when their asses are nailed to the wall of truth. Pity no Republican, much less the party's tattered remnants still in elective office, will go within a parsec of D'Souza's case. That just might have put them in the running for a roaring comeback in 2008.

Catch the Newsmax interview of D'Souza here. It's a very interesting read.