Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Evil Elf and the "Fairness Doctrine"

Dennis Kucinich has been made the chairman of a subcommittee on government reform focusing on the Federal Communications Commission, and surprise! He wants to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine," more aptly named the "Hush Rush" bill. This is legislation that would require equal time for both sides of political opinion. In other words, radio stations would be forced to run shows that nobody listens to in order to run Rush's show. So much for the free market. When this was enforced before Reagan and the Republican Congress got rid of it, AM radio stations mostly just gave up airing political opinion because of the pain in the butt it was to make sure nobody complained.

Democrats don't care about free speech, free enterprise, or anything else that gets in their way. They can't compete in the arena of ideas, therefore they must silence the other side. People listen to conservative talk radio, they do not listen to the kooks on the left because everything they say is bunk, bilge, and hate.

The Democrats know what they're doing. They know that talk radio had a lot to do with them losing their power in 1994, and they're determined not to let that happen again.